15 Feb International childhood cancer day in Nepal
International Child Cancer Day (ICCD) is celebrated annually on 15th February. It is global collaborative effort to raise an awareness and support for child, survivors and their families suffering from cancer.
With a hope to cure and reduce the growth of childhood cancer, ICCD was initially launched in 2002 by Childhood Cancer International (CCI).
Childhood Cancer Day Ribbon and Color
Gold ribbon is the official color that signify the support of childhood cancer.
ICCD’s Campaign ‘No More Borders’ and vision
In 2020, ICCD is running a campaign on ‘No More Borders’.
According to ICCD, the campaign’s vision will give you the opportunity to share how your organization has worked to reduce “borders” and increase access to the care and cure of childhood cancer.
Child Cancer Global data
According to ICCD, Each year, more than 300,000 children ages birth to 19 years are diagnosed with cancer around the world. Approximately 8 in 10 of these children live in low and middle-income countries where their survival rate is often near 20%.
ChildHood Cancer Day in Nepal
A joint effort of governmental and non-governmental organizations as well individuals are working together to raise childhood cancer awareness with its cure and prevention.
In Nepal, according to Nepal Health Research Council (NHRC), Out of total 5260 cases (new and old) checked by Population Based Cancer Registry (PBCR) from various sources,2612 cases are found to be the new cases.
However, there is no exact recent data on childhood cancer but according to South Asian Journal of Cancer we would expect 1,100-1,600 new cases of childhood cancer every year in Nepal. It is expected new cases rate tends to increase more in the coming days.
The voice against child cancer in Nepal is getting stronger with a coordination of people and organization from different field. Cancer events and programs related to child are making positive impact.
Childhood Cancer Day in Nepal is celebrated by organizing different awareness programs and events.
In the middle-income country like Nepal where survival rate is often near 20 %, Ramesh Gupta Memorial Trust overcomes trauma suffered by the child and their families. The trust will continue to make progressive steps cure and prevent of childhood cancer through awareness programs and work.