As per WHO each year, an estimated 400000 children’s of 0-19 years develop cancer worldwide. Nepal has a population of approximately 30 million people, with an estimated Child cancer incidence of 1500 to 2000 per year. Among these only less than 25% are lucky to have access of quality treatment. 65% case is of Blood cancer and in developed countries there are 85% chances of curable where as in Nepal it is almost 30% only. Cancer is a burden in our society and especially in Nepal, cancer has been increasing due to lack of awareness program, ignorance about the disease, consideration of disease as ‘incurable’ and largely due to the high cost of cancer treatment. Due to lack of awareness people often find that they have cancer when it reaches to third or fourth level, when it’s almost too late and thus people often land up losing both, their life and their property. Considering all the challenges we face in fighting child cancer in Nepal, these reasons are why we do what we do. In RGMT we primarily focus on two types of service: Preventive and Curative.
Preventive: We advocate among the people that child cancer is curable, the treatment is available in Nepal government’s Hospital, the cost of treatment is not too high and How to identify this.
Curative: We offer full treatment financial assistance to child whose parents cannot afford their cancer treatment. In coordination with different hospitals, RGMT undertakes every financial and counseling facility during the treatment of child cancer patient.
We do what we do, to bring comfort and cure, prevention and awareness about diseases like child cancer that are virtually unknown and almost untreatable for the disenfranchised and rural people of Nepal. Universal government health care is a challenge for a lot of people in Nepal, this is one of the main reasons we seek to assist and support child cancer patients.