
Ramesh Gupta Memorial Trust, a Ramesh Corp. entity, celebrates the successful completion of a three-year project at Hotel Radisson on 10th September 2023 to improve child oncology outcomes in Nepal.In collaboration with DFID- UK, and World Child Cancer- UK, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to...

Ramesh Gupta Memorial Trust, a Ramesh Corp. entity, joined hands with Lions Club of Himalayas, Patan Academy of Health Science, and World Child Cancer, UK to host a vital cancer awareness event at Bani Bilas Secondary School, Pyangaun, Godabri. This event brought together 70 families...

Exciting news! Ramesh Gupta Memorial Trust (RGMT), a Ramesh Corp. entity is delighted to welcome the remarkable team of World Child Cancer on board. Together, we're making a significant impact on child oncology outcomes in Nepal.World Child Cancer, a globally respected organization dedicated to fighting childhood...

"Ramesh Gupta Memorial Trust: Journey of hope for child cancerMeet Mr. Bhabnath Jha, Coordinator of RGMT, a Ramesh Corp. entity. He leads our non-profit organization in raising public awareness and providing financial aid to economically challenged child cancer patients. Since 2018, 33 children have received assistance,...

Watch how we organized an incredible One-Day Session on Early Warning Signs and Symptoms (EWSS) of Childhood Cancer. Together, we trained over 26 passionate doctors and healthcare workers who are dedicated to making a difference. Let's stand together and fight for a world free from...

वि.सं.२०१९ साल पुष २२ गतेका दिन स्थापना भएको देशको एक मात्र केन्द्रीय बाल अस्पताल कान्तिले शुक्रवार एक कार्यक्रमको आयोजना गरेर आफ्नो वार्षिकोत्सव मनाएको हो ।३ सय ३० शय्याको अस्पताल रहेको कान्तिले बालबालिकासम्बन्धी सामान्यदेखि विशेषज्ञ र विशिष्टसम्मको सेवा प्रवाह गर्दै आइरहेको छ ।अस्पतालमा हाल ५ सय...

In September, Performance and Risk Managers, Patrick Douglas and Tom Barton for UK Aid Match visited Nepal to see four UK Aid Match projects in progress and offer their support. These were World Child Cancer, Practical Action, United World Schools and ZSL. In detail In Kathmandu, World Child Cancer –...

विभिन्न औद्योगिक तथा व्यावसायिक संस्थाहरूको कर्पोरेट समूह रमेश कर्पोरेसनले आफ्नो तेस्रो संस्थापक दिवस संस्थापक सामाजिक उत्तरदायित्व पूरा...