24 Jan St. Jude Asia Pacific Regional Meeting
St. Jude Asia Pacific Regional Meeting
Place: Yokohama, Japan
Date: 20- 22 June, 2024
Conference Organized by; St.Jude Children’s Hospital & ALSAC
Conference represented from Ramesh Gupta Memorial Trust: Mr.Sanjay Agrawal & Mr. Bhabnath Jha
The Ramesh Gupta Memorial Trust participated in the St. Jude Asia Pacific Regional Meeting held in Yokohama, Japan from June 20 to 22, 2024. Organized by St. Jude Children’s Hospital and ALSAC, the conference aimed to foster collaboration among foundations dedicated to childhood cancer. Key objectives included enhancing corporate partnerships, improving access to care and treatment through hospital and foundation collaborations, optimizing fundraising efforts, activating volunteers, and sharing experiences in the field.
The event gathered stakeholders from across the Asia Pacific region involved in childhood cancer advocacy, including foundations, hospitals and healthcare professionals. It featured panel discussions, workshops, and networking sessions focused on addressing challenges and opportunities in pediatric oncology care and support.
The St. Jude Asia Pacific Regional Meeting was a valuable platform for the Ramesh Gupta Memorial Trust to collaborate, learn, and contribute towards advancing childhood cancer care. The conference underscored the importance of collective action and partnership in achieving better outcomes for children and families affected by cancer.
This report encapsulates the significant contributions and learnings from our participation, reaffirming our commitment to making a meaningful difference in the lives of children battling cancer.